Put the YOU in Volunteers
The 2017 season kicks off next month in the US when we head to New Orleans & Los Angeles. For the Mudders in the UK the season starts in April at London Wes and we want YOU. With Tough Mudder taking over the globe there are plenty of opportunities to find the perfect volunteer role.
What do you get? Along with the awesome feeling of volunteering, you’ll also receive a discount to run a Tough Mudder or Tough Mudder Half of up to 90% off. So you have no reason not make your trip into a whole weekend of muddy fun.
We caught up with some of our MVPs and chatted about their 2016 season:
Names: James & Elaine Latus
Location: Wadebridge, Cornwall, UK
How many times have you volunteered: Elaine 22 times & James 15ish….
Where have you volunteered: All over the UK.
Why do you choose to travel all over for Tough Mudders: The nearest TM to us is 4hrs away so all TM’s are like a mini holiday. It would be a waste to travel to an event and back in one day. This year we decided we want to be involved in every UK TM so allocated all our holiday to travelling to the events. The Scottish event was also an excuse to visit friends we hadn’t seen in almost 25 years. One of whom decided to join the loyal band of MVP’S in Scotland.
How many miles have you driven: By the end of the 2016 season we had driven over 5300 miles to all UK full and half events.

Name: Suzanne Branecki
Location: Florida
How many times have you volunteered: I volunteered for the first time in 2015 at the Central Florida event. I love introducing people to the MVP family, 2015 it was my sister, last year another friend. Who knows who I’ll be dragging along this year.
Where was the furthest place you travelled for a Tough Mudder last year: Last year my sister and I travelled to Vegas for WTM in celebration of my 40th Birthday. WOOT, atWOOT! This year I hope to hit up more spots in the US and possibly cross the pond and do some UK Tough Mudders. What’s the best thing about being an MVP: Meeting people from all over, it really is like a big family. When you arein race there are no strangers. It is really my happy place, I love helping and seeing the runners faces when they conquer their fears and obstacles that they really didn’t think they could do.

Name: Peter John Denyer
Location: California
How many times have you volunteered: Last year was my first time volunteering.
Why you choosing to travel: I ran my first TM last June for Tahoe Tough Mudder in California and met a group of girls who came all the way to the West Coast for Tahoe to run and volunteer. They told my friends and I about the awesome volunteer program. After Tahoe, I knew I wanted to try out volunteering for TM.
Are you travelling for Tough Mudder or visiting Tough Mudder as part of your travels: I choose to travel to London South because I am from the U.S but I am currently studying abroad in Bilbao, Spain. I figured since I had such a great time at Tahoe and that I would be in Europe during the same time that I had to make it part of my study abroad adventure.

Join our awesome volunteers at the next event.
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