December brings a revolving door of holiday parties, buttery buffets, and free office treats (isn’t it great?) but if you’re worried about over-indulging during the festive period we’ve got 5 tips to keep you feeling your best and stay (relatively) fit through Christmas.

1. Prioritise Your Sweat Sessions
Between Christmas parties and festive catch-ups it can be tricky to find time to workout at this time of year. If you don’t want to get off track sit down with your calendar and carve out some time that’s just for you (and exercise).
2. Maximize Your Gym Time
We know you don’t want to spend all of your Christmas break working out – so make the most of your minutes in the gym doing dynamic, full-body exercises. Explosive moves like squat jumps, jumping lunges, burpees, and medicine ball slams not only engage all of your muscles, but they give you the most bang for your buck in terms of calorie burn, leaving you more flexibility to indulge later.
3. Don’t Show Up Hungry
If you think the best buffet strategy for your next Christmas party is to “save” your calories so you can binge guilt-free, think again. Experts say it’s better to eat before you go – arriving with an almost-full stomach makes it easier to exhibit some self control around pigs in blankets.
4. BYO Healthy Side Dish or Dessert
Take the guesswork out of what you’re going to eat all together and bring your own healthy side dish or dessert.
5. Indulge Mindfully
The holiday season is all about celebrating, spending time with friends and family, and indulging – but like anything it’s best done in moderation. Come 1st January you’ll be rested, relaxed, and ready to take on an adventure and out of the gym.
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