4th February 2021
Today we have announced the postponement of the Tough Mudder UK 2021 season to enable record numbers to get back out into the mud this year.
We have been working diligently with Local Authorities and expert advisors from WHO to ensure as many people as possible can get back out safely on course in 2021. “Alongside our expert-backed COVID event plans, these calendar changes are the most meaningful way we’re able to ensure people can get back on course this season. These changes give people more clarity and more opportunity to get a date in the diary, commit to a new challenge, and really, have something to look forward to after what have been very difficult months in the U.K.”, said Matt Brooke, Managing Director.
“We’ve also been liaising with our peers in the mass participation sporting industry around the world, who right now are successfully hosting COVID safe events in locations across the US, the Middle East and APAC”. Brooke adds, “Through changes to our event scheduling, the roll-out of our new training programmes and virtual fitness challenges that can be done at home, we’re doing everything we can to bring some normality back to our community’s lives.”
The New Tough Mudder UK 2021 Season:
The Tough Mudder UK 2021 season will now kick off in Scotland in July and will certainly be a summer to remember. All ticketholders for postponed events have been contacted via email.

We have also introduced a new start time selection tool, which not only ensures participant safety and adherence to COVID-safe policies, but allows Mudders to choose the start-wave of their choice: “Our Mudders now have choice at their fingertips when it comes to planning their experience and popular wave times are already selling out”.
Get your muddy experience locked in for 2021, sign-up to our free at home training plans or start chasing goals with Tough Mudder Challenges.