Didn’t think Tough Mudder was a spectator sport? Think again. Attending a Tough Mudder will leave you with plenty of lasting memories, even if you don’t take on the course. Spectators are welcome to soak in the on-course energy as Mudders conquer obstacles and participate in all of the on-site activities available in Mudder Village.
Sound interesting? Here are our top six tips to making the most of your day.
1. Remember Your Lateral Flow Test
Keeping our participants and spectators safe is always at the top of our priority list. That’s why even though restrictions have lifted in the UK we’re still requiring proof of a negative lateral flow test from everyone aged 13 and over. Check out our Covid Tough plan for more details.
You’ll need to take your lateral flow test 24 hours prior to your arrival at the event and report the result on the Gov website or using the phone number in your test kit. Once you’ve submitted your result you will receive and email and a text message and this is what you’ll need to show at the event to gain entry. You will also need to take a second lateral flow test after the event and if you test positive please let us know immediately by emailing uksupport@toughmudder.com .
2. Follow The Flags
Rocking up at Tough Mudder can be a pretty overwhelming experience. There will be a lot of people, a lot of action and obstacles here, there and everywhere. The key is to follow the flags. Our purple spectator route flags will guide you along the optimum route to see our best obstacles and keep your trainers (relatively) clean. You won’t be able to see every single obstacle but our spectator route will ensure you see as many of them as possible.
Not sure where you’re going? Our volunteers (who wear the brightest orange t-shirts you’ve ever seen), TMHQ staff and the Info Tent will all be on hand to provide directions and answer your queries.

A little pre-event planning is always a smart idea. Pick a few obstacles to meet your team at for prime photo taking opportunities, cheering and muddy high-fives. It’s fairly easy to keep track of participants on our 5K courses but if your friend or family member is running 8-10 miles you may struggle to keep track of them without meeting points. The course map for each event will be emailed to participants and posted on our social channels on the Wednesday before, use this make your plan of attack.
This year Mudder Village is the only place to be. Street food trucks, a bar and music will keep the good vibes flowing while you wait for your loved ones. Don’t fancy trekking round the course? This year some of our most iconic obstacles will be visible from the village, so you can take in the action from the perfect viewpoint.
Plus, we’re welcoming back some great partners as well as introducing some new friends, so expect plenty of fun and games, as well as free stuff at our partner activations.
Available at Tough Mudder weekend events, pint-sized adventure seekers between the ages of 5-12 are invited to tackle this 1-mile, kid-friendly obstacle course. Plus for the first time ever we’re taking Lidl Mudder to the city, at our Morden Park event. Lidl Mudder tickets are available now.

Running a Tough Mudder could take a team upward of 3 hours to complete. Comfortable shoes that can withstand a little mud are a must, plus a few snacks and some water and you’ll be ready to spend a day soaking up all of the teamwork, fun and adventure that Tough Mudder has to offer.
It’s also always worth checking the weather before you head off, so you can pack extra layers or even some suncream (in our dreams).
Ready to support your team? Spectator tickets are available for purchase on your event page, prices increase at the event so we suggest pre-purchasing them if possible.